14MAR11000114MAR1 did NOT send the log (or input error)
14AT751209QSO NOT present in the log of 14AT75
26EK22212226EK22 did NOT send the log (or input error)
26CB172291026CB172 did NOT send the log (or input error)
68CI1966362068CI1966 did NOT send the log (or input error)
68CI13800168CI1 did NOT send the log (or input error)
19EE765519Progressive number inserted by 3DA18 wrong: 19 (right: 17 of 19EE76)
19EE1616100119EE161 did NOT send the log (or input error)
1AT556211QSO NOT present in the log of 1AT55
1AT637919QSO NOT present in the log of 1AT63
14AT1339714Progressive number inserted by 3DA18 wrong: 14 (right: 13 of 14AT133)
13RC8119810Progressive number inserted by 3DA18 wrong: 10 (right: 11 of 13RC811)
26FA110000126FA1 did NOT send the log (or input error)
19AT2510200219AT25 did NOT send the log (or input error)
1SL2710524QSO NOT present in the log of 1SL27
13AT13510714Progressive number inserted by 13AT135 worng: 180 (right: 107 of 3DA18)
14AT350117004Progressive number inserted by 14AT350 worng: 114 (right: 117 of 3DA18)
93EK/HQ120001Progressive number inserted by 93EK/HQ wrong: 1 (right: 120 of 3DA18)
14OK/HQ125029Progressive number inserted by 14OK/HQ worng: 124 (right: 125 of 3DA18)
327CR56127003327CR56 did NOT send the log (or input error)
5AT167140003QSO NOT present in the log of 5AT167
3PAT5211530053PAT521 did NOT send the log (or input error)
1LE/HQ15957Progressive number inserted by 3DA18 wrong: 57 (right: 27 of 1LE/HQ)
14RC34016213414RC340 did NOT send the log (or input error)
16AT/HQ180116QSO NOT present in the log of 16AT/HQ
68KPI572061568KPI57 did NOT send the log (or input error)
13EK/HQ218153Progressive number inserted by 3DA18 wrong: 153 (right: 110 of 13EK/HQ) Progressive number inserted by 13EK/HQ worng: 110 (right: 218 of 3DA18)
13IR/HQ22280Progressive number inserted by 13IR/HQ worng: 22 (right: 222 of 3DA18)
14AT678227020Progressive number inserted by 14AT678 worng: 27605 (right: 227 of 3DA18)
14AT612304614AT61 did NOT send the log (or input error)
3SKD/HQ231148Progressive number inserted by 3SKD/HQ wrong: 31 (right: 231 of 3DA18)
14RC1612332414RC161 did NOT send the log (or input error)
3WM5442370033WM544 did NOT send the log (or input error)
1RIR230248006QSO NOT present in the log of 1RIR230
1SA255249009Progressive number inserted by 1SA255 worng: 24 (right: 249 of 3DA18)
1EK127255121EK127 did NOT send the log (or input error)
35KC11426700135KC114 did NOT send the log (or input error)
68CI101027300368CI1010 did NOT send the log (or input error)
108CV52277052108CV52 did NOT send the log (or input error)
29AT/HQ280135QSO NOT present in the log of 29AT/HQ
3DA16290463DA16 did NOT send the log (or input error)
14DA452965014DA45 did NOT send the log (or input error)
26LR15530700126LR155 did NOT send the log (or input error)