1WM7262Progressive number inserted by 1WM72 wrong: 2 (right: 6 of 1SL27)
171MK1718171MK1 did NOT send the log (or input error)
317AT/HQ856Progressive number inserted by 317AT/HQ wrong: 29 (right: 8 of 1SL27)
161MK11018Progressive number inserted by 161MK1 worng: 7 (right: 10 of 1SL27)
35AT1081543QSO NOT present in the log of 35AT108
3AT/HQ20100Progressive number inserted by 3AT/HQ wrong: 18 (right: 20 of 1SL27) Progressive number inserted by 1SL27 worng: 100 (right: 63 of 3AT/HQ)
32AT105262332AT105 did NOT send the log (or input error)
18SV31103712Progressive number inserted by 18SV3110 worng: 38 (right: 37 of 1SL27)
301EKHO39213301EKHO did NOT send the log (or input error)