12AT/HQ76QSO NOT present in the log of 12AT/HQ
32O/HQ1820132O/HQ did NOT send the log (or input error)
16AT/HQ2887QSO NOT present in the log of 16AT/HQ
165AT/HQ51170Progressive number inserted by 1GIR142 wrong: 170 (right: 107 of 165AT/HQ)
30AT2745779Progressive number inserted by 1GIR142 worng: 79 (right: 69 of 30AT274)
14AT1146836Progressive number inserted by 1GIR142 wrong: 36 (right: 37 of 14AT114)
14AT132695514AT132 did NOT send the log (or input error)
16AT9307659Progressive number inserted by 1GIR142 wrong: 59 (right: 69 of 16AT930)