338DA101133Progressive number inserted by 338DA101 wrong: 2 (right: 1 of 165DA/HQ)
43AT393220QSO NOT present in the log of 43AT393
91AT1138Progressive number inserted by 91AT11 wrong: 8 (right: 3 of 165DA/HQ)
26AT118151526AT118 did NOT send the log (or input error)
14EK/HQ1718Progressive number inserted by 165DA/HQ wrong: 18 (right: 5 of 14EK/HQ)
26AT1419126AT14 did NOT send the log (or input error)
1AT972110QSO NOT present in the log of 1AT97
14DA496412Progressive number inserted by 14DA496 worng: 2 (right: 41 of 165DA/HQ)
43DA146143DA1 did NOT send the log (or input error)
91EK2194817Progressive number inserted by 91EK219 wrong: 49 (right: 48 of 165DA/HQ)
91EK1775012Progressive number inserted by 165DA/HQ worng: 12 (right: 7 of 91EK177)
102EK/HQ63129Progressive number inserted by 165DA/HQ wrong: 129 (right: 40 of 102EK/HQ)
67AT/HQ84191Progressive number inserted by 165DA/HQ worng: 191 (right: 71 of 67AT/HQ)
10AT15585110AT155 did NOT send the log (or input error)
91KPI9118721Progressive number inserted by 165DA/HQ worng: 21 (right: 11 of 91KPI911)
75EK/HQ9820QSO NOT present in the log of 75EK/HQ
1AT6310241Progressive number inserted by 1AT63 wrong: 103 (right: 102 of 165DA/HQ)
14OK/HQ1114QSO NOT present in the log of 14OK/HQ
327SD12614411327SD126 did NOT send the log (or input error)
109HA23461488109HA2346 did NOT send the log (or input error)
1TM1291606Progressive number inserted by 1TM129 wrong: 0 (right: 160 of 165DA/HQ) Progressive number inserted by 165DA/HQ worng: 6 (right: 9 of 1TM129)
1SA15116579QSO NOT present in the log of 1SA151
26AT16919327Progressive number inserted by 26AT169 wrong: 192 (right: 193 of 165DA/HQ)
13IR/HQ19785Progressive number inserted by 13IR/HQ worng: 19 (right: 197 of 165DA/HQ)
13MRL71198113MRL71 did NOT send the log (or input error)
18SV311020115Progressive number inserted by 165DA/HQ worng: 15 (right: 24 of 18SV3110)
13OT222052513OT22 did NOT send the log (or input error)
32AT/HQ2086QSO NOT present in the log of 32AT/HQ