19EE7626Progressive number inserted by 109HA91 worng: 6 (right: 5 of 19EE76)
19DT144111919DT144 did NOT send the log (or input error)
163AS101143163AS101 did NOT send the log (or input error)
26BS10915126BS109 did NOT send the log (or input error)
16NFI102164216NFI102 did NOT send the log (or input error)
14LR7820914LR78 did NOT send the log (or input error)
301EK/HQ24069Progressive number inserted by 301EK/HQ wrong: 42 (right: 24 of 109HA91)
19DCG128119DCG1 did NOT send the log (or input error)
50EK/HQ34141Progressive number inserted by 50EK/HQ wrong: 35 (right: 34 of 109HA91)
67AT/HQ3593Progressive number inserted by 109HA91 worng: 93 (right: 98 of 67AT/HQ)
94EK/HQ37137Progressive number inserted by 94EK/HQ wrong: 27 (right: 37 of 109HA91)
4AT/HQ38201Progressive number inserted by 4AT/HQ wrong: 28 (right: 38 of 109HA91)
14FDX104412214FDX104 did NOT send the log (or input error)
1RIR257426QSO NOT present in the log of 1RIR257
15IC108446215IC108 did NOT send the log (or input error)
30LO3435603530LO3435 did NOT send the log (or input error)
32AT/HQ6712QSO NOT present in the log of 32AT/HQ