3SD471123SD47 did NOT send the log (or input error)
1AT2726119Progressive number inserted by 1AT272 worng: 7 (right: 6 of 3SD/HQ)
14RC4267103Progressive number inserted by 14RC426 worng: 8 (right: 7 of 3SD/HQ)
14EK/HQ8109Progressive number inserted by 14EK/HQ worng: 9 (right: 8 of 3SD/HQ)
1EK/HQ9218Progressive number inserted by 1EK/HQ worng: 10 (right: 9 of 3SD/HQ)
31LR19810146Progressive number inserted by 31LR198 worng: 11 (right: 10 of 3SD/HQ)
165AT/HQ11146Progressive number inserted by 165AT/HQ worng: 12 (right: 11 of 3SD/HQ)
26AT161213Progressive number inserted by 3SD/HQ wrong: 13 (right: 185 of 26AT16) Progressive number inserted by 26AT16 worng: 13 (right: 12 of 3SD/HQ)
1AT10214129Progressive number inserted by 1AT102 worng: 16 (right: 14 of 3SD/HQ)
14MAR11510914MAR1 did NOT send the log (or input error)
30IR1031628Progressive number inserted by 30IR103 worng: 18 (right: 16 of 3SD/HQ)
30RC131749Progressive number inserted by 30RC13 worng: 19 (right: 17 of 3SD/HQ)
29TW200180929TW200 did NOT send the log (or input error)
31LR11953QSO NOT present in the log of 31LR1
13EK/HQ20107Progressive number inserted by 13EK/HQ worng: 32 (right: 20 of 3SD/HQ)
31PAT2332123Progressive number inserted by 3SD/HQ wrong: 23 (right: 47 of 31PAT233) Progressive number inserted by 31PAT233 worng: 23 (right: 21 of 3SD/HQ)
30AT832240Progressive number inserted by 30AT83 worng: 24 (right: 22 of 3SD/HQ)
14AT3692376Progressive number inserted by 14AT369 worng: 25 (right: 23 of 3SD/HQ)
35AT/HQ2458Progressive number inserted by 3SD/HQ wrong: 58 (right: 121 of 35AT/HQ) Progressive number inserted by 35AT/HQ worng: 13 (right: 24 of 3SD/HQ)
14PA14257814PA14 did NOT send the log (or input error)
16AT/HQ26101Progressive number inserted by 16AT/HQ worng: 27 (right: 26 of 3SD/HQ)
14AT652774Progressive number inserted by 14AT65 worng: 28 (right: 27 of 3SD/HQ)
14AT1672854Progressive number inserted by 14AT167 worng: 29 (right: 28 of 3SD/HQ)
19AT5152935Progressive number inserted by 19AT515 worng: 30 (right: 29 of 3SD/HQ)
30AT/HQ31140Progressive number inserted by 30AT/HQ worng: 33 (right: 31 of 3SD/HQ)
16AT7473253Progressive number inserted by 16AT747 worng: 34 (right: 32 of 3SD/HQ)
13EK1083356Progressive number inserted by 13EK108 worng: 35 (right: 33 of 3SD/HQ)
161EK/HQ3488Progressive number inserted by 161EK/HQ worng: 36 (right: 34 of 3SD/HQ)
14SD5013653Progressive number inserted by 14SD501 worng: 38 (right: 36 of 3SD/HQ)
26KP346380226KP346 did NOT send the log (or input error)
16AT749398316AT749 did NOT send the log (or input error)
13SD1084035Progressive number inserted by 13SD108 worng: 42 (right: 40 of 3SD/HQ)
3SD1554177Progressive number inserted by 3SD155 worng: 43 (right: 41 of 3SD/HQ)
3GO/HQ42147Progressive number inserted by 3GO/HQ worng: 44 (right: 42 of 3SD/HQ)
104AT/HQ4376Progressive number inserted by 104AT/HQ worng: 46 (right: 43 of 3SD/HQ)
56LR74446Progressive number inserted by 56LR7 wrong: 46 (right: 44 of 3SD/HQ)
14AT2544558Progressive number inserted by 14AT254 worng: 47 (right: 45 of 3SD/HQ)
1AT7547302Progressive number inserted by 1AT75 worng: 50 (right: 47 of 3SD/HQ)
1AT253481531AT253 did NOT send the log (or input error)
14AT1144970Progressive number inserted by 14AT114 worng: 52 (right: 49 of 3SD/HQ)
19AT13450132Progressive number inserted by 19AT134 worng: 53 (right: 50 of 3SD/HQ)
14AT/HQ51212Progressive number inserted by 14AT/HQ worng: 54 (right: 51 of 3SD/HQ)
19AT/HQ52226Progressive number inserted by 19AT/HQ worng: 55 (right: 52 of 3SD/HQ)
14AT7055331Progressive number inserted by 14AT705 worng: 56 (right: 53 of 3SD/HQ)
14AT2505516214AT250 did NOT send the log (or input error)
1AT88156249Progressive number inserted by 1AT881 worng: 59 (right: 56 of 3SD/HQ)
13PR1345718413PR134 did NOT send the log (or input error)
1GIR1425867Progressive number inserted by 1GIR142 worng: 61 (right: 58 of 3SD/HQ)
1AT15259183Progressive number inserted by 1AT152 worng: 62 (right: 59 of 3SD/HQ)
1GIR19860151Progressive number inserted by 1GIR198 worng: 63 (right: 60 of 3SD/HQ)
16AT1086115316AT108 did NOT send the log (or input error)
1AT2362313Progressive number inserted by 1AT23 worng: 65 (right: 62 of 3SD/HQ)
1AT39463312Progressive number inserted by 1AT394 worng: 66 (right: 63 of 3SD/HQ)
1GIR/HQ64118Progressive number inserted by 1GIR/HQ worng: 68 (right: 64 of 3SD/HQ)
1AT6796573Progressive number inserted by 1AT679 worng: 69 (right: 65 of 3SD/HQ)
13AT/HQ66158Progressive number inserted by 3SD/HQ wrong: 158 (right: 154 of 13AT/HQ) Progressive number inserted by 13AT/HQ worng: 71 (right: 66 of 3SD/HQ)
34AT396787Progressive number inserted by 34AT39 worng: 72 (right: 67 of 3SD/HQ)
15AT116854Progressive number inserted by 15AT11 worng: 73 (right: 68 of 3SD/HQ)
3PG569743PG5 did NOT send the log (or input error)
161AT13570114Progressive number inserted by 161AT135 worng: 74 (right: 70 of 3SD/HQ)
1OD22072761OD220 did NOT send the log (or input error)
31EK/HQ73203Progressive number inserted by 31EK/HQ worng: 77 (right: 73 of 3SD/HQ)