1AT9734261AT973 did NOT send the log (or input error)
161MC11053161MC1 did NOT send the log (or input error)
1AT39413115Progressive number inserted by 1AT463 wrong: 115 (right: 155 of 1AT394)
163EK/HQ1578Progressive number inserted by 1AT463 wrong: 78 (right: 77 of 163EK/HQ)
1SA2553644Progressive number inserted by 1AT463 worng: 44 (right: 4 of 1SA255)
3AT214719Progressive number inserted by 3AT21 wrong: 27 (right: 47 of 1AT463)
102EK/HQ57228QSO NOT present in the log of 102EK/HQ
1AT95361153Progressive number inserted by 1AT463 worng: 153 (right: 154 of 1AT953)
109ATHQ65147109ATHQ did NOT send the log (or input error)
8EK/HQ7123QSO NOT present in the log of 8EK/HQ
317AT1017539Progressive number inserted by 1AT463 worng: 39 (right: 139 of 317AT101)
30AT/HQ81146Progressive number inserted by 1AT463 worng: 146 (right: 246 of 30AT/HQ)
4AT/HQ94120Progressive number inserted by 1AT463 worng: 120 (right: 119 of 4AT/HQ)