1AT217213Progressive number inserted by 1AT217 wrong: 112 (right: 2 of 13AT/HQ) Progressive number inserted by 13AT/HQ worng: 13 (right: 115 of 1AT217)
19IR9999119IR999 did NOT send the log (or input error)
108LR771873108LR77 did NOT send the log (or input error)
68CT7023168CT70 did NOT send the log (or input error)
68RC12330168RC123 did NOT send the log (or input error)
29JD132129JD1 did NOT send the log (or input error)
68CI99936168CI999 did NOT send the log (or input error)
1AT7994414QSO NOT present in the log of 1AT799
1A97447901A974 did NOT send the log (or input error)
29ID148129ID1 did NOT send the log (or input error)
108CV129551108CV129 did NOT send the log (or input error)
26AT266109826AT26 did NOT send the log (or input error)
30AT124644830AT124 did NOT send the log (or input error)
29AT/HQ6523QSO NOT present in the log of 29AT/HQ
29KPI50068729KPI500 did NOT send the log (or input error)
68CI32691868CI32 did NOT send the log (or input error)
26AM6704526AM6 did NOT send the log (or input error)
19AT24771319AT247 did NOT send the log (or input error)
30AT87932730AT87 did NOT send the log (or input error)
1A2171121151A217 did NOT send the log (or input error)
3SD/HQ15471Progressive number inserted by 3SD/HQ wrong: 158 (right: 154 of 13AT/HQ) Progressive number inserted by 13AT/HQ worng: 71 (right: 66 of 3SD/HQ)
4AT10115667Progressive number inserted by 4AT101 wrong: 356 (right: 156 of 13AT/HQ)
3PAT544163893PAT544 did NOT send the log (or input error)
67AT/HQ16641Progressive number inserted by 67AT/HQ wrong: 163 (right: 166 of 13AT/HQ)