1AT6840223QSO NOT present in the log of 1AT68
1AT68741131Progressive number inserted by 3SR105 wrong: 131 (right: 134 of 1AT687) Progressive number inserted by 1AT687 worng: 65 (right: 41 of 3SR105)
45AT10551171Progressive number inserted by 45AT105 wrong: 55 (right: 51 of 3SR105)
1A70754131A707 did NOT send the log (or input error)
14AT30962977Progressive number inserted by 3SR105 wrong: 977 (right: 97 of 14AT309)
1AT685651341AT685 did NOT send the log (or input error)
1AT35369261Progressive number inserted by 3SR105 wrong: 261 (right: 264 of 1AT353)