1AT48511Progressive number inserted by 3AT140 wrong: 1 (right: 262 of 1AT485)
14AT15322QSO NOT present in the log of 14AT153
14EK1133Progressive number inserted by 3AT140 wrong: 3 (right: 172 of 14EK11)
14AT/HQ4004Progressive number inserted by 3AT140 wrong: 4 (right: 198 of 14AT/HQ)
14AT3095005Progressive number inserted by 3AT140 wrong: 5 (right: 93 of 14AT309)
19RC140621119RC140 did NOT send the log (or input error)
3AT1398008Progressive number inserted by 3AT140 wrong: 8 (right: 27 of 3AT139)
1AT101010Progressive number inserted by 3AT140 wrong: 10 (right: 147 of 1AT10)