1AT38412Progressive number inserted by 1AT38 worng: 3 (right: 4 of 31AT/HQ)
1SA10228QSO NOT present in the log of 1SA10
1SR294227Progressive number inserted by 31AT/HQ wrong: 27 (right: 26 of 1SR29)
14SD255432914SD255 did NOT send the log (or input error)
1AT944543Progressive number inserted by 31AT/HQ wrong: 43 (right: 3 of 1AT94)
14AT661468Progressive number inserted by 31AT/HQ wrong: 8 (right: 3 of 14AT661)
14SLB28395114SLB283 did NOT send the log (or input error)
14IR113965Progressive number inserted by 14IR113 worng: 95 (right: 96 of 31AT/HQ)
14SD5299314SD52 did NOT send the log (or input error)
1EK15610430QSO NOT present in the log of 1EK156
1AT47710612Progressive number inserted by 1AT477 worng: 102 (right: 106 of 31AT/HQ)
91AT12512940Progressive number inserted by 31AT/HQ worng: 40 (right: 42 of 91AT125)
1AT1413941Progressive number inserted by 1AT14 worng: 169 (right: 139 of 31AT/HQ)
31PAT/HQ14939QSO NOT present in the log of 31PAT/HQ