31LR1224Progressive number inserted by 31LR1 wrong: 12 (right: 2 of 1RC116)
1SD862351SD862 did NOT send the log (or input error)
173IR341015Progressive number inserted by 1RC116 wrong: 15 (right: 156 of 173IR34)
328/1AT1471785Progressive number inserted by 328/1AT147 wrong: 18 (right: 17 of 1RC116)
108AT/HQ1870Progressive number inserted by 108AT/HQ worng: 19 (right: 18 of 1RC116)
34AT3919218Progressive number inserted by 34AT39 wrong: 20 (right: 19 of 1RC116)
1AT28520202Progressive number inserted by 1AT285 worng: 17 (right: 20 of 1RC116)
30SD282305230SD282 did NOT send the log (or input error)