330AT/HQ12072QSO NOT present in the log of 330AT/HQ
14EK1113058QSO NOT present in the log of 14EK11
30AT27419148QSO NOT present in the log of 30AT274
176HQ23115176HQ did NOT send the log (or input error)
1SR2941111Progressive number inserted by 1EK22 worng: 111 (right: 106 of 1SR29)
328/1AT14752142Progressive number inserted by 1EK22 worng: 142 (right: 146 of 328/1AT147)
1AT5066767Progressive number inserted by 1EK22 wrong: 67 (right: 160 of 1AT506)
1AT556868Progressive number inserted by 1EK22 wrong: 68 (right: 61 of 1AT55)