47AT1243511Progressive number inserted by 47AT124 wrong: 111 (right: 35 of 1AT783) Progressive number inserted by 1AT783 worng: 11 (right: 19 of 47AT124)
1AT4303811AT430 did NOT send the log (or input error)
1AT7266017Progressive number inserted by 1AT726 worng: 70 (right: 60 of 1AT783)
14AT1699870QSO NOT present in the log of 14AT169
1GIR4811169Progressive number inserted by 1AT783 worng: 9 (right: 12 of 1GIR481)
1SR2912783Progressive number inserted by 1AT783 worng: 83 (right: 79 of 1SR29)
91AT15716262Progressive number inserted by 1AT783 worng: 62 (right: 59 of 91AT157)
31PAT233164197Progressive number inserted by 31PAT233 wrong: 167 (right: 164 of 1AT783)
13CI223180513CI223 did NOT send the log (or input error)