19AT/HQ1238QSO NOT present in the log of 19AT/HQ
34AT39179QSO NOT present in the log of 34AT39
233GIR24758233GIR2 did NOT send the log (or input error)
14AT2925325QSO NOT present in the log of 14AT292
116AT/HQ6666Progressive number inserted by 1AT48 wrong: 66 (right: 39 of 116AT/HQ)
1SA/HQ8643Progressive number inserted by 1SA/HQ wrong: 43 (right: 86 of 1AT48)
14PAT/HQ10323Progressive number inserted by 1AT48 wrong: 23 (right: 3 of 14PAT/HQ)
14FDX8101642014FDX810 did NOT send the log (or input error)
56LR718597Progressive number inserted by 56LR7 is not defined. Progressive number inserted by 1AT48 worng: 97 (right: 98 of 56LR7)
13OT33186313OT33 did NOT send the log (or input error)
13RC17818846Progressive number inserted by 1AT48 wrong: 46 (right: 62 of 13RC178)
91AT90919646Progressive number inserted by 91AT909 wrong: 46 (right: 196 of 1AT48)
1SR2920193Progressive number inserted by 1AT48 worng: 93 (right: 89 of 1SR29)
1AT94821448Progressive number inserted by 1AT948 wrong: 48 (right: 214 of 1AT48)
1AT54222295Progressive number inserted by 1AT542 wrong: 22 (right: 222 of 1AT48)
15NA6623811215NA66 did NOT send the log (or input error)
19AT21024389Progressive number inserted by 19AT210 worng: 343 (right: 243 of 1AT48)
14AT15425663Progressive number inserted by 14AT154 worng: 63 (right: 256 of 1AT48)
1GIR48125716QSO NOT present in the log of 1GIR481
1SA7725934Progressive number inserted by 1SA77 wrong: 159 (right: 259 of 1AT48)