1AT86831Progressive number inserted by 1AT463 worng: 1 (right: 10 of 1AT868)
1AT59188QSO NOT present in the log of 1AT591
1GIR41014QSO NOT present in the log of 1GIR4
1A83313161A833 did NOT send the log (or input error)
1SA4041413Progressive number inserted by 1AT463 worng: 13 (right: 14 of 1SA404)
18ATHQ170618ATHQ did NOT send the log (or input error)
1AT771118241AT7711 did NOT send the log (or input error)
1GIR/HQ2524Progressive number inserted by 1GIR/HQ wrong: 87 (right: 25 of 1AT463) Progressive number inserted by 1AT463 worng: 24 (right: 109 of 1GIR/HQ)
108AT/HQ2631Progressive number inserted by 1AT463 wrong: 31 (right: 6 of 108AT/HQ) Progressive number inserted by 108AT/HQ worng: 17 (right: 26 of 1AT463)
205AT2952719Progressive number inserted by 1AT463 worng: 19 (right: 109 of 205AT295)
30AT/HQ36104Progressive number inserted by 30AT/HQ wrong: 38 (right: 36 of 1AT463) Progressive number inserted by 1AT463 worng: 104 (right: 112 of 30AT/HQ)
1PS7476821PS74 did NOT send the log (or input error)
31PA2338816331PA233 did NOT send the log (or input error)