1AT463464Progressive number inserted by 1AT1142 worng: 64 (right: 74 of 1AT463)
14AT751560Progressive number inserted by 14AT75 worng: 13 (right: 15 of 1AT1142)
1AT384923Progressive number inserted by 1AT38 wrong: 50 (right: 49 of 1AT1142)
1SD2306018Progressive number inserted by 1AT1142 worng: 18 (right: 17 of 1SD230)
1AT8026568Progressive number inserted by 1AT1142 worng: 68 (right: 69 of 1AT802)
1SD148037Progressive number inserted by 1AT1142 worng: 37 (right: 33 of 1SD14)
1AT3098361AT309 has NOT reached the minimum threshold of qso
1AT7638881AT763 did NOT send the log (or input error)