26AT325300226AT325 did NOT send the log (or input error)
205AT48766205AT48 did NOT send the log (or input error)
29AT374121829AT374 did NOT send the log (or input error)
108AT77132108AT77 did NOT send the log (or input error)
34AT215166434AT215 did NOT send the log (or input error)
1AT36620171AT366 did NOT send the log (or input error)
14AT276214814AT276 did NOT send the log (or input error)
3SKD1232460Progressive number inserted by 3SKD123 wrong: 7 (right: 24 of 1SD14)
108AT462925108AT46 did NOT send the log (or input error)
112AT1123647112AT112 did NOT send the log (or input error)
3SKD35138683SKD351 did NOT send the log (or input error)